Watch the Web Carnival recording here
Join us on Saturday 23 February for our web event where we’ll be looking at the theme of Developing Development.
What does Teacher Development look like in 2019? It’s very easy to talk about ’21st Century’ TD, but what does this actually mean? To this end, TDSIG invites you to join us for our fourth Web Carnival where we will look at how past approaches or initiatives to TD may be reworked for current contexts or how new ways of developing may be brought about. Our #tdsigcarnival consists of:
- A live online event – with four sessions led by ELT professionals from around the world
- Blog post contributions from you!
- Short 30-60 second videos from you!
- Tweets from you!
- Make sure you have a working internet connection
- Join us on Saturday 23 February in the TDSIG Adobe Connect room at the above times at iatefl.adobeconnect.com/tdsigwebinars
- The TDSIG Webcarnival is open to ALL – you do not need to be an IATEFL or TDSIG member to attend
- Please only join the room during the Webcarnival times – there is no need to be in the room before the event
- NB – we don’t offer certificates of attendance
Session A

Duncan Foord: A coaching approach to teacher development
In this workshop we will look at why it’s a good idea to drive our own development, what that means exactly and how to do it in practice. You will have the opportunity to do some reflecting on your own development goals and activities past present and future.
Session B

Yasmine Atwa: Students’ needs based Professional Development
As teachers are always busy all the time planning, teaching, correcting and assessing in a world that change and evolve in an unacceptable, rapid manner, the need for TD has never been as important. TD in Egypt varies greatly according to where a teacher works. There are these governmental school teachers who don’t have the slightest opportunity for TD despite sometimes there are some governmental initiatives that allow teachers to go on internship and exchange programs. Many private institutions encourage TD by providing input sessions, conference discounts and various opportunities for sharing best practices, however, it all stops if not aligned to business needs. Personally, I have tried most of these and they worked just fine, however, engaging in an input session is not sometime the best way for teacher development. Such sessions are always a result of what the presenter thinks is important. An alternative which I think is very effective does spring from the immediate needs of the students. Therefore, what dictates my own TD now is the dynamics of classroom needs and interactions. Because it springs from a real need, the outcome is usually very authentic and relevant to the teachers as well as the students.
Session C

Ferhat Karanfil: Local TD opportunities bringing success and achievement in Turkey
Teacher development starts from baby steps further into being an effective classroom teacher or trainer. In this webinar, we will look at the local TD opportunities in Turkey and how these TD facilities turn challenges into opportunities. We will be discovering about the pros an cons of peer teaching,coaching and reflective teaching. Are you ready to learn about different professional development models and examples from Turkey maybe they will applicable to your context?
Session D

Irina Malinina: From the Lab to the Classroom. A Project for English Teachers.
I am going to talk about a summer school-laboratory for English teachers organized by me and my colleague in Moscow. The lab is for those who feel they would benefit from observation and see it as a critical part of their professional development.
Our lab for teachers includes input sessions, e.g. lesson planning, guided discovery, teaching skills, conveying and checking meaning, post-lesson evaluation, etc. After that the teachers design their own lessons, develop the materials and, finally, deliver their lessons which are observed by the tutor and peers.
What is TDSIG Web Carnival?
There are a plethora of online development opportunities these days and we know it. Most tend to focus on the webinar experience solely for its participants. TDSIG recognises their value, but aims to place emphasis on the ongoing continuous and bottom-up threads that tie together valuable teacher-led growth. TDSIG Web Carnival is a month-long thematic initiative that combines teacher contributions in the form of tweet responses to Q&As, blog posts, short videos, audio clips, and other forms of media which lead towards the live event webinars at the end of the month.
Our goals in creating and executing the Web Carnival are to:
- Draw in experiences and stories from our members related to teacher development situations and learnings
- Build on existing knowledge from within our global membership and engage in a multimodal experience
We have held three TDSIG Web Carnivals so far. Please check out their individual pages below. Session recordings are included in most cases.
2018 – TD success stories from around the world
Main speakers: Marc Jons (Japan), Alice Kim (Canada), Pawel Matuszczyk (UK), Patricia Reynolds (USA)
2017 – Learnings when the wheels fall off
Main speakers: Matthew Noble (USA), Meredith Lewis (Australia), Michael Griffin (Korea), Varinder Unlu (UK)
2016 – Stories of teacher development
Main speakers: Lizzie Pinard (UK), Thiago Veigga (Brazil), Anna Bartosik (Canada), Maha Hassan (Egypt)