Who we are

IATEFL Teacher Development Special Interest Group provides a forum for us to develop our potential as teachers, to cultivate our abilities to navigate the challenges and successes of being a teacher, and to invigorate satisfaction in our ongoing work.

Anyone interested in such developmental issues can share their experiences and learn from the experiences of others. Through such a network, our community seeks to encourage individuals and groups of teachers to undertake activities that focus on personal and professional development.

TDSIG was formed by Adrian Underhill in 1985, and was the first distinct IATEFL SIG.

Our aims:

  • To enable and encourage all categories of teacher to take more responsibility for professional and personal evolution throughout their careers.
  • To promote individual and institutional awareness of the importance of teacher development.
  • To encourage the provision of facilities for teacher development which do not already exist.

TDSIG member benefits

As a TDSIG member you will get:

  • to be part of an active and committed community of like-minded teaching professionals in over 50 countries
  • bi-monthly member-only online meet-ups with experts in TDLive
  • discounted entry to our events, including our annual Web Carnival conference and events in collaboration with other IATEFL Special Interest Groups and other Teaching Associations
  • opportunities to apply for scholarship(s) to attend IATEFL conference in the UK each year
  • our annual academic journal, TDAJ
  • to listen and contribute to Developod, our monthly podcast
What are you waiting for?

For further information about IATEFL and how to join the Teacher Development SIG, contact IATEFL. If you are interested contributing to the TDSIG community with your own TD-related content, contact us.

Meet the committee


Cecília Lemos Harmer

Cecília Lemos Harmer

James Taylor

James Taylor

Committee members and projects

Helen Slee

Helen Slee

  • Developod
  • Social Media
  • Website

Helen Slee is a nonbinary British-Canadian English language teacher, writer, editor, and content creator who has been teaching English since 2015 to learners of all ages and levels. They have taught online and in multiple countries, including five years in Spain, and have spoken and written about ELT since 2020, and will not stop anytime soon. They are currently completing their DipTESOL, teaching privately, working on several creative projects, and always looking for professional development opportunities.

Taíza Lombardi

Taíza Lombardi

  • Scholarships
  • Social Media
  • Events

Taíza Lombardi is a teacher and teacher educator based in Brazil. She has been teaching for over 20 years and was a partner in a school for people over 50 years of age where she worked with this demographic for 8 years. She contributed to the Raise Up! materials writing lessons focused on older learners. She is an Michigan ECPE and Cambridge CELTA holder and she has a postgraduate degree in English Language Teaching and Translation from PUC-PR in which she had the chance to specialize in formative assessment. She is Cambridge “Train the Trainer” certified. She is also a Speaking examiner. She is currently teaching one-to-one lessons and, relying on her solid background as a DoS, she’s also working with novice or experienced academic coordinators who wish to improve their skills.

Jake Kimball

Jake Kimball

  • Events
  • TDAJ / Blog

Jake Kimball holds an MSc in educational management in TESOL from Aston University, and his interests include program evaluation and classroom dynamics. In particular, he is interested in classroom management factors impacting Willingness to Communicate (WTC) and demotivation. Taking part in teacher development activities has been a long-time interest. He is an assistant professor of English in the Liberal Arts Department of Semyung University in South Korea.

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