Join IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group (PronSIG) and Teacher Development Special Interest Group (TDSIG) for their 2023 Pre-Conference Event on 17 April 2023!

This PCE will be a hybrid event, which means that you can join us in Harrogate or online from anywhere in the world!

About the 2023 PCE:

How do you feel about teaching pronunciation? How can you develop this area of your teaching effectively?

For many of us, a lack of initial and ongoing teacher training in pronunciation pedagogy has resulted in feelings of anxiety and intimidation when the time comes to address it in the classroom. There are so many variables which can add to our trepidation including the varieties we teach (“native” models or international?), our feelings regarding our own voices as models, how teacher identities affect and inform our practice, the practicalities of where to start, what we should include in ‘pronunciation’, the materials we should use, and our methods of instruction.

What is more, few of us have the luxury of time to read, research, learn, and trial pronunciation activities due to our busy schedules. All combined, this scenario can easily lead to some choosing simply not to include it, which can be to the detriment of our students.

If any of this rings true to you, join PronSIG and TDSIG online or in person for our hybrid 2023 PCE event as we invite you to step out of your comfort zone, address your fears, and teach pronunciation anyway!

In four workshops, we will be addressing what are for many teachers, their key pronunciation concerns:

  • teaching with diverse accent models and varieties of English,
  • teaching English intonation effectively,
  • solid starting points for teaching pronunciation, and
  • ways in which we can develop professionally to become more confident in ourselves and our abilities when teaching pronunciation.

PCE Programme:

Download the PronSIG & TDSIG Pre-Conference Event (PCE) programme in pdf by clicking the button below:

PCE Workshop Speakers:

  • Michael Burri – Learning to be a pronunciation teacher: Insights from an 8-year study
  • Catarina Pontes – Grabbing the bull by the horns: Teaching pronunciation fearlessly
  • Isabella Fritz & Sandra Kotzor – Knowledge is power: How knowledge about prosody affects confidence in pronunciation teaching
  • Mark Hancock – Don’t be (afraid of) the accent police!