The law of two feet: a reflection on the Istanbul conference

The Teacher Development and Learning Technologies SIG Joint conference in Istanbul in May, entitled “Developing with and without technology”, explored the role of technology in our development as teachers. Gavin Dudeney referred to the innovation cycle where a period...

Reports: Joint TDSIG & LTSIG conference in Istanbul, Turkey

You can now read all about our recent collaboration with the IATEFL LTSIG on the official conference website: There, you’ll find reports about all the main presentations and workshops. The LTSIG have also produced several videos,...

Generation H?

Dogme has endured, and I now find myself going into other schools and teaching departments to share the ideas advanced in Teaching Unplugged. What’s increasingly apparent to me is that – while there is a genuine appetite for ‘opening the space’ in language classrooms...

Developing Dogme

The ‘unplugged’ TDSIG conference, which will be held in Barcelona on Saturday, 21st May, will retain the Open Space format used in last year’s pre-conference event to explore unplugged teaching and its implications for teacher development. Open Space is a particularly...