Vol 2 No 2 is open-access!

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IATEFL Teacher Development SIG is delighted to open the call for papers for Volume 5 of our academic journal, the Teacher Development Academic Journal (TDAJ). TDAJ is an open-access, peer-reviewed research journal published by TDSIG. In addition to experienced researchers, we encourage new writers to reflect on their own practice and share ideas of good practice. The theme for Volume 5 is Harnessing the Potential of AI for Teacher Development.

We invite applications by abstract for papers on the following themes:
1. Transforming Classroom Practice Through AI Tools
2. The Role of AI in Personalized Professional Development
3. Innovating Professional Learning Through AI
4. AI as a Catalyst for Teacher Development Success

Applications may be for a short article of 1500-2500 words or a longer form article of 2500-5000 words.

To submit an abstract, please complete the form here by 1st April 2025: https://forms.gle/iEEaBFw6XSa41Yi5A

See the official Call for Papers.

We aim to follow this as a guideline for regular issues (not special issues). This doesn’t always work out exactly. See Call for Papers for current issue.
The timeline for Volume 5 is as follows:
31 January: Call for Papers announcement
17 March: Proposal submission deadline
24-31 March: Notification of acceptance
09 June: Draft 1 submitted to TDAJ
7 July: Reviewed draft sent to authors
11 August: Draft 2 submitted to TDAJ
29 September: Final Draft Submitted
01 December: Issue publication

Proposals are due on 17 March 2025. You will be contacted shortly after submitting a proposal regarding acceptance or otherwise. We welcome submissions from first-time writers of this genre and those more experienced in being published.

The goal of the TDAJ is to provide a platform for teacher development-specific evidence-informed articles which is published and can be read by the wider ELT community. For this, TDAJ requires both academic rigour and the use of accessible language to express ideas. TDAJ is a prime example of teacher development on its own: in addition to experienced researchers, we encourage new writers to reflect on their own practice and share ideas of good practice regarding teacher development topics; we provide writing and editing support where useful.

Each volume of the TDAJ may centre on a specific theme or themes, but overall, we welcome referenced articles which primarily focus on aspects of teacher development that can be categorised as:

  • Bottom-up Teacher Development (e.g. lesson observations, personalized professional development plans, teacher empowerment, etc.)
  • Teacher Identity (i.e. how teachers’ beliefs/attitudes and different identities affect teacher development and teaching)
  • Teacher as researcher (i.e. ways in which research can be a teacher development tool)
  • Mentoring (e.g. Induction/orientation programs, mentoring novice/experienced teachers)
  • Pedagogies (e.g. developing inclusive, critical, etc. pedagogy into one’s practice)

Volume 4, Number 1 – December 2024 (members only)
Volume 3, Number 1 – December 2023 – The Future of Teacher Development (members only)
Volume 2, Number 2 – June 2022 – Taboo(ed) issues in ELT through the lens of critical pedagogy (open access)
Volume 2, Number 1 – October 2021 – Race & Queerness in ELT (open access)
Volume 1, Number 1 – June 2020 (open access)

Article Submission Guidelines

  1. A full style guide will be sent to all accepted authors.
  2. TDAJ does not publish previously published articles or the articles under review by other journals. After submission to TDAJ, the authors are asked to refrain from sending their papers to a different journal until a publication decision is made.
  3. Only one submission accepted per author per journal (this includes co-written articles).
  4. To keep anonymity during the reviewing process, please do not write your name when referring to your work in any part of the article. Please refer yourself as “author” in the article.
  5. Articles are accepted into two length categories excluding abstract, references, tables, and appendix:
    1. Shorter: 1500-2500 words
    2. Longer: 3500-5000 words
  6. Authors should follow the guidelines stated in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
  7. Images should be high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and be understood in grayscale.
  8. All communication will be done through [email protected].
  9. Authors do not have to be TDSIG members.

Ground for Resubmission, Review, or Rejection

  1. Failure to meet any of the submission guidelines
  2. Failure to comply to set deadlines
  3. Article deemed to lack sufficient academic rigour
  4. Focus is not adequately on teacher development within the chosen category
  5. Plagiarism
  6. Need for a balance of journal themes
  7. Failure to appropriately address revisions suggested by the editors

* In certain cases, articles may be selected for future journal issues for varying reasons and authors will be notified of this case. The TDSIG Editorial Committee (see below) reserves the right to make any final decisions on articles included in the TDAJ.