We here at the TDSIG are slowly recovering from a wild and wonderful week in Harrogate at the annual IATEFL conference. So many great sessions, so much food for thought and our own development. For those of you unlucky enough to miss Mojce Belak’s excellent...
The following interview took place on 20 March 2012, in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow. Barbara: Yesterday you were the facilitator for our Teacher Development SIG Day at the Glasgow IATEFL conference, which was very successful. Can you tell us something...
A report of the Unplugged Conference of the 21st May by Catalina Dumitrescu. Catalina is a teacher trainer at Oxford TEFL Barcelona ‘It’s so easy not to practise what you preach. It´s better to sit down and talk. We all have so much to say. Not a good idea to be...
REGISTER NOW! We are happy to announce The Unplugged Conference, a one-day event on Sat 21 May 2011 at OxfordTEFL, Barcelona, Spain, organised along Open Space Technology lines so as to maximise participation, and with the aim of exploring and debating issues involved...
44th annual international IATEFL conference and exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 7th – 11th April 2010 [download id=”2″ format=”1″] Session Title Presenter Room Name Duration Session Type Session Number Teacher as bus or taxi driver? Incorporating...