A short and snappy one to introduce another of our SIG Day speakers. We’re jumping a session to hear from Nick Bell, who will be joining us in Glasgow from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Here’s Nick! Nick Bell – “Am I good enough?”...
Time to introduce our second set of speakers for our TDSIG Day – David Byrne and Mark Heffernan. They are the pair behind Textploitationtefl, having previously given talks at IATEFL on the use of texts and getting the most out of minimal resources, but this time...
It’s getting closer – the IATEFL Annual Conference takes place next month with Pre Conference Events on Monday 3 April and the conference proper running from Tuesday 4 April to Friday 7 April. With hundreds of talks, workshops and other sessions to see, it can...
And so the IATEFL conference proper is almost upon us! Today is the day of the Pre-Conference Events, and we at TDSIG are getting ready for our day at the University of Birmingham, The Teacher’s Voice. Today is also the day for publishing the last blog post we...
We’re counting down to IATEFL 50 in Birmingham next month. You may be doing the same – with the full details of the presentations now available on the IATEFL website. With something in the region of 500 sessions – that’s five hundred talks, workshops,...