On April 9, 2018, we teamed up with the Leadership & Management SIG for our Pre-Conference Event #lamtdsig for #iatefl2018! Click on our poster for a HQ version.
This day long pre-conference event, bringing together LAMSIG (leadership and management) and TDSIG (teacher development), explored how personalised teacher development is achievable and other issues. Through a mixture of short TED style talks, plenary discussion, and open space interactions, we aimed to provide ideas and options for both managers and teachers as well as giving those present the opportunity to share ideas and imagine possible ways of changing the “one size fits all Friday afternoon staff development workshop” paradigm. Thereby fostering an approach which is not only truly teacher centred, but also one which serves the needs of the organisation and its managers.
?? ??4 fifteen-minute talks
⛲2 open-space sessions to dig deeper into talks
?an open-mic Q&A session
☕coffee and mingling breaks
???gourmet lunch
Thank you to our sponsor, Trinity College London! Please see all tweets from the PCE at the bottom of this page!
Programme (click here)
Slides and materials:
PCE-related tweets
#lamtdsig thread of photos from our PCE on personalised teacher development.
1) The lovely banners and the space pic.twitter.com/kGYJJxIuub
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
Let the #iatefl2018 tweeting begin. I’m at the #lamtdsig PCE learning about whether personalised teacher development is achievable.
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig Slowly filling up. Looking forward to a great PCE pic.twitter.com/JmzPsPd7oI
— LAMSIG (@IATEFL_LAMSIG) April 9, 2018
Excited to be here at IATEFL 2018 * LAMTDSIG pre course event with friends and colleagues. Join us on #lamtdsig for updates on this great day ahead. (*So glad I could cycle here today!) pic.twitter.com/XDzbH6oLcx
— Christian Tiplady (@xiantiplady) April 9, 2018
Crowd building for #lamtdsig at #iatel2018 pic.twitter.com/W144PyfbBp
— lorainekennedy (@lorainekennedy) April 9, 2018
About half of the people in the #lamtdsig room have never been to a PCE before. Great way to start #iatefl2018 if you’re here. Enjoy your day!
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#iatefl2018 Clare Magee and Fiona Wiebusch have come from Australia to start the #lamtdsig day. Reimagining how to engage teachers in professional development
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig Is personalised PD achievable? We’re underway pic.twitter.com/r8YzDt6LoV
— LAMSIG (@IATEFL_LAMSIG) April 9, 2018
Fiona and Clare wanted to move away from the Friday workshop PD model #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig Asking Whose responsibility is it to lead professional learning?
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
They thought about the unique places and spaces where PD was happening: the classroom, the tearoom, the pub… #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig Clare and Fiona group these as platforms
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig pic.twitter.com/4c5MEFeE9G
— LAMSIG (@IATEFL_LAMSIG) April 9, 2018
Digital platforms were also important: a Google Plus community, a newsletter emailed to teachers and, of course, #auselt 🙂 #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig #iatefl2018 Fiona and Clare also mentioned ideas like the Raise your Voice choir, action search mentoring and task-based and project-based learning
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Fiona Wiebusch kicking off our joint PCE with @IATEFL_LAMSIG #lamtdsig @saigonsensei #prforpd pic.twitter.com/zHINbVyLQ1
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
What do managers need to do? Give teachewrs time and money, and get out of the way! #iatefl2018 Fiona and Clare #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Their old processes were lesson obs, student surveys and pass/fail rates – none of which inspire teachers! #iatefl2018 Fiona and Clare wanted to change these processes #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Clare Magee now up talking about how institutions can foster PD for language teachers #lamtdsig pic.twitter.com/Xu6WeJhk3x
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
#IATEFL2018 #lamtdsig Clare Magee and Fiona Wiebusch on PR for PD: Harnessing individual energy to enpower institutions in teacher development. Extended slidedeck will be made available. @tdsig @IATEFL_LAMSIG
— Chris Farrell (@ChrisPatrickF) April 9, 2018
#iatefl2018 Lewin’s model of freeze-unfreeze for change management and Kotter’s 8-step model of change both lead to static and institutionalised top-down change, assuming management knows what’s happening. #lamtdsig Fiona and Clare pic.twitter.com/oton2cQT7P
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Use technology for large-scale collaboration and encourage teachers to think outside their normal limits of influence, generate portfolio of experiments to try multiple approaches #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig Hamel/Zanini via Fiona and Clare
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Ed Russel at #lamtdsig #IATEFL2018 pce pic.twitter.com/V61y0KbdCI
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
#IATEFL2018 @ed_russell second speaker on Trusting Practitioners at the @tdsig @IATEFL_LAMSIG PCE, general theme so far has been a focus on ways of encouraging bottom up TD #lamtdsig
— Chris Farrell (@ChrisPatrickF) April 9, 2018
Ed realised that most of colleagues were very experienced so a one-size-fits-all model doesn’t work at his school #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig He put up paper in the staffroom where people could ask questions and he’d do workshops in response, but not really enough
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Time for Ed Russell @ed_russell talking about trusting practitioners as a new manager returning to the UK ELT scene #lamtdsig pic.twitter.com/8xhNAjSf4y
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
Ed quotes Adrian Underhill in 2012 who mentioned that traditional leadership though where things were primary, relationships secondary, but we should switch that around #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
@ed_russell experimented with cooperative development: one teacher speaks for 15 mins, the other is the ‘understander’ listening actively for 15 mins. Like counselling! #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Julian Edge quote from @ed_russell‘s session at #lamtdsig pic.twitter.com/5W6bHwHqX7
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
?Pineapple charts for informal teacher peer observations?
See @cultofpedagogy blogpost https://t.co/MyPytlksaR for info. on this #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig https://t.co/Tg2s3Q3ir0— Sarah Priestley (@Sarah_TTrainer) April 9, 2018
Personal Development Groups at #lamtdsig #tdsig #IATEFL2018 pce @tdsig pic.twitter.com/FL2vvznf2p
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
Coffee break and networking at #lamtdsig #IATEFL2018 pce @tdsig pic.twitter.com/Y5iPuYW1L4
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
#Lamtdsig #iatefl2018 Bruna Caltabiano and Julieta Cabrera,… https://t.co/Uf623k5d1b
— marina gonzalez (@minushki) April 9, 2018
We’ve begun with Clare Magee and Fiona Wiebusch from Australia initially asking audience if you’re a teacher, manager, other or a whole mix. We’re a whole mix! #lamtdsig pic.twitter.com/zp7lKCqRIl
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
Liam Tyrell @liam_elt is next up at #lamtdsig talking about culture change in a staffroom #iatefl2018 He started in a school where professional development didn’t really exist, but then moved to other places where it was different, which made him notice he needed more!
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig @liam_elt The shared ideas, values and direction that make up culture are important. They lead to successful teams and encourage a developmental atmosphere #iatefl2018
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Organisational culture is the number one predictor of development outcomes and improved classroom effectiveness #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig @Liam_ELT
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
@Liam_ELT #lamtdsig #iatefl2018 pce pic.twitter.com/oNWKeunGde
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
Question 1: what does it look like when the culture is changed? @liam_elt #lamtdsig #iatefl2018 He wanted to hear people talking about teaching, research, better classroom practices, for example.
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
@liam_elt also wanted to know what the pathway is for the teacher, and he says small successes will carry your culture, so you need to know what they look like #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
@liam_elt‘s next question is about finding your allies: who are the silent majority? Run down the list of names in your staffroom- names that are harder to remember are the ones you may need to pay more attention to #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig #iatefl2018 @liam_elt‘s question 3. What options can you give to people? One size fits NO-ONE. The trick is not to have everyone doing the same thing, we need to have everyone do SOMETHING! [Yes!]
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
One size TD does NOt fit all #lamtdsig #tdsig #iatefl2018 pic.twitter.com/qrIY6BXtIM
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig #iatefl2018 @liam_elt emphasises that the last thing to consider about culture change is getting recruitment right. Who you gonna call? NQTs who see what you do as norm? Experienced who can mentor and drive change? Who can create and sustain change?
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig Really insightful talk by @Liam_ELT on how TD works in his centre and how his attitude has evolved. Constant trial and error, being prepared to fail and learn is how an organisation grows, how an organisational culture changes @tdsig @IATEFL_LAMSIG #IATEFL2018
— Chris Farrell (@ChrisPatrickF) April 9, 2018
4 questions re Changing PD Culture #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig – thank you @Liam_ELT pic.twitter.com/GgcCxKJk2t
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig #iatefl2018 Now Ania Kolbuszewska asking what there is to offer teachers in the happiest country on Earth
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Swiss people are meant to be able to speak two of the national languages, and are quite willing to deal with linguistic uncertainty. But with foreign languages they want everything to be 100% correct #iatefl2018 Ania at #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
In Switzerland Ania found that teachers felt that institutions benefits from PD, but teachers don’t. She was met with a boycott of her (voluntary) workshops #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
It’s the institution that benefits from training the teachers. #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig #tdsig pic.twitter.com/JqVSGwOg7J
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
Ania found there’s a lot about teaching intercultural studies to studnets, but not much about ELT managers dealing with intercultural issues themselves – is it that we’re blind to it or assume that we’ll work with ppl with same attitudes? #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
For some people the status of teaching is like the status of actors working as waiters until the career break comes along #lamtdsig Ania #iatefl2018
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
“The language you teach dictates the way you teach it” at #lamtdsig #iatefl2018 #tdsig
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
Ania started with making sure the key concepts were defined and everyone had the same understanding of them. Language creates culture #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig Ania
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Namind different aspects of CPD helps identify CPD needs #lamtdsig #iatefl2018 #tdsig pic.twitter.com/3zXFpckuX8
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig #iatefl2018 Ania acknolwedges it’s a top-down process. This is to minimise problems with understanding CPD terminology. Starting to include ideas of intercultural training for her teams
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Without laying the foundations and making sure everyone understands the terms of CPD equally, individualised development can’t happen #iatefl2018 #lamtdsig Ania
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
Brainstorming happening on the floor #lamtdsig #iatefl2018 #tdsig pic.twitter.com/nuiSM1aoB7
— Angelos Bollas (@angelos_bollas) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig #iatefl2018 Our #lamtdsig open space group is talking about recruitment and making sure teachers know about the culture before theycome. One idea = include recruitment challenges in the job advert
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
#lamtdsig open space discussions pic.twitter.com/w5d9chY8Dp
— LAMSIG (@IATEFL_LAMSIG) April 9, 2018
Yes! That sounds similar to academic changes in our context… interesting. Could you send me you notes?. #IATEFL2018 #lamtdsig
— Dale Coulter (@dalecoulter) April 9, 2018
We need to use a variety of ‘smells’ to tempt teachers into the teacher development ‘kitchen’ – nice metaphor for motivating teachers to get involved in development from Adrian Underhill in our open space discussion #lamtdsig
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
Teacher development and ice cream! #lamtdsig pic.twitter.com/1huWSeOLVj
— TDSIG (@tdsig) April 9, 2018
#iatefl2018 #lamtdsig One manager talking about a Google Classroom platform teachrs set up at their school. Any teacher can share a 2-minute video tip about sth that makes their teaching faste, better, easier. Likes, and face to face discussion have come out of it
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
A short summary of the #lamtdsig day I attended today at #iatefl2018 https://t.co/MUtugpZqGy Quite a few thoughts running around in my head already, and the conference hasn’t started yet!
— Sandy Millin (@sandymillin) April 9, 2018
My impressions about the LAMSIG/TDSIG pre-conference event #IATEFL2018 #lamtdsig https://t.co/Far71kMuGQ via @wordpressdotcom
— Katherine Martinkevich (@kath_martink) April 10, 2018
That part of my #lamtdsig talk at the #IATEFL2018 PCE yesterday where I burst into song.. shame the dancers missed their cue. Thanks @IATEFL_LAMSIG and @tdsig for having me! Really enjoyable way to spend a Monday. pic.twitter.com/3kpWOzAh1A
— Liam T (@Liam_ELT) April 10, 2018