We are teaming up with the Learning Technologies SIG to bring a special joint-event, mixing both technology and teacher development issues!
Teachers are passionate about what they do and have the desire to develop as a professionals. Yet to succeed in this requires dedication, motivation, and, perhaps most importantly, know-how. Moreover, teachers are faced with growing demands from stakeholders to hone and develop their skills, especially in the area of technology. Feeling pressured to use resources that may not have been part of their original training, teachers may want to learn how to assess their own technological skills. Not knowing where to begin, we can often feel overwhelmed and lost. To help counteract this, we are bringing together LT and TD SIGs to explore how to help one another harness technology and introduce you to the concept of unLimiTeD professional development.
Sharing the expertise of two of IATEFL’s Special Interest Groups, our one-day mini-conference offers something for all teachers wanting to explore technology and teacher development.
The morning will provide a selection of short talks that aim to equip teachers with a framework to assess their own capabilities with technology, as well as to point them in the direction of where to turn to develop.
The afternoon will provide case studies and hands on practical examples of technology in use as a TD tool. We end the day by sharing what we’ve learned in an open space environment to help us draw up our own action plans for taking technology back to our educational context.
Come and see how just how unLimiTeD technology and teacher development can be.
NOTE: This event is offsite at a venue within 10 minutes walk from the SECC. See the Participant’s Guide for more details.
For anyone attending this PCE, we have put together a guide with more details about the venue, the talks, and our overall day. Please go here.