We’ve got three more preview posts to come – for the final session of our TDSIG Day – for our Forum on Reflection. Here is the first of our three speakers for this session, Diana Peña…
Strategies to promote the enhancement of trainee teachers’ reflective practice 
What is your IATEFL session all about?
My name is Diana and I am a teacher trainer from Mexico. I will be participating in the “Forum on Reflection” presenting a few ideas on how to enhance teacher trainees’ reflective skills, which I believe are essential to improve and develop.
What TD book would you take with you to a desert island?
A teacher development book I would take with me to a desert island is Bailey, Curtis, and Nunan’s book “Pursuing Professional Development – The Self as a Source” because it provides a diverse range of practical ideas to engage in professional development opportunities. I also like it because it is written in an easy-to-read style and includes anecdotes from the authors of their own journey to pursue development.
What is your go-to activity for teaching?
My go-to teaching activity is “Rotating wheels”, as it can be used as a lead-in, a review or a closing activity and for many more! It also maximizes trainees’ participation and interaction as they can exchange ideas with different partners.
What advice would you give to teachers starting to think about their own development?
My advice to teachers starting to think about their practice is to be open to explore different approaches to engage in reflective teaching and to seek advice from colleagues.
Diana Peña has been an English teacher for over 20 years and a teacher trainer for around 10 years in Mexico. She received her MA in ELT from Warwick University, where she first became interested in the topic of teacher autonomy and reflection. She currently works as a freelance teacher trainer for The Anglo Mexican Foundation and other institutions.