A short and snappy one to introduce another of our SIG Day speakers. We’re jumping a session to hear from Nick Bell, who will be joining us in Glasgow from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
Here’s Nick!

Nick Bell
Nick Bell – “Am I good enough?”
What’s your IATEFL 2017 session all about?
The title of my workshop is “Am I good enough?” and other elephants in our classrooms
The aim of this workshop is to encourage participants to reset their attitude. They will reflect on how to live in the idea that they are ‘worthy of love and belonging right this minute, as is’ and to have the courage to be honest and vulnerable with students and colleagues, knowing that this will be both difficult and highly rewarding.
What one teacher development book would you take to a desert island and why?
I’d take Freedom to Learn by Carl Rogers, because it best sums up everything I think can be wonderful about teaching.
What is your one go-to teaching activity?
In pairs, talk to each other about whatever is important to you, keeping in mind honesty, empathy and unconditional positive regard.
What piece of advice would you give to a teacher starting to think about their practice?
Find out the ways in which simply your presence (without all the doing) is extremely valuable.
Nick in his own words…
I have been an English teacher in Switzerland for about 30 years and am coming up to retirement in July of this year. I am deeply concerned about the way things are going in the world and intend to become more active in the fields of animal and human rights and the environment when I retire, in particular, continuing my work for Amnesty International. I am a huge fan of Brené Brown and Carl Rogers and think I need another lifetime or two to learn all the things I would like to master.
Thanks, Nick!
Sadly, online booking has now closed for the IATEFL Annual Conference in Glasgow. You can still buy a ticket at the SECC, so if you are in Scotland from 4th to 7th April, why not drop in!