TDSIG and LAKMA, Lithuanian Teachers’ Association are happy to invite you to a joint conference entitled ELT IN THE DIGITAL AGE from 22 to 23 September 2011 at Vilnius Pedagogical University, Studentu St. 39, Vilnius, Lithuania.
New technologies and social media reshape the way today’s learners access information and gain knowledge. Teachers respond differently to this situation: some have managed to jump on the IT bandwagon, embracing modern technologies and using them to meet their learners’ needs, some remain ELT dinosaurs and view IT with suspicion and fear, while most of us are somewhere between the two extremes, eager to put all this digital magic under a microscope. This is why teachers, researchers, teacher educators and decision makers are meeting in Vilnius to exchange, discuss and develop our ideas on the challenges of the digital world.
Plenaries will include
- Gavin Dudeney: New literacies, teachers & learners
- Duncan Foord: From “English teacher” to “Learning coach”
- Ieva Zdanytė: Engage your students in creative ways
- Annette Capel: Insights from English Vocabulary Profiles – A powerful electronic resource
- Chris Moore: Using the power of virtual worlds for Business English learning
- Kristina Smith: The danger of carts before horses: putting pedagogy before technology
Please go to ; delegates from Lithuania can register at
Registration ends on 14 September.
Conference fee
- LAKMA / IATEFL TD members 35 LT / 10 EUR £ 9.00
- Non-members 70 LT / 20 EUR £18.00
- Students attend the event free of charge.
More information at
Accommodation in Vilnius:
Hello, I am Ashley Russ and I am an ESL Instructor. I have been teaching English in Singapore for past 3 years. I am most impressed by the topics that are going to be discussed in the conference. I am sure this conference will prove to be of great help to anyone who aspires to become a good ESL instructor.
And I would like to take the privilege to inform my fellow ESL instructor that a great opportunity waiting for them at HAMPTON PRE-SCHOOL in Jalan Afifi, Singapore.
So best wishes to all, Christian Santos.
Just check out the link below for any further details: